Select a list or item


Dialog showing a list of available items (Part lists, Material codes, Orders, Cutting lists, Parameter lists ...)


On selecting a list option a dialog pops up showing the list of items to choose from. The items included and the format of the dialog depend on the context. For example, at the part list code box in a part list the list of items is a list of available parts and at the Open dialog in a part list the list of items is a list of available part list files.



To select an item, at the List box (or dialog):-


click on an item with the mouse


 Select OK


 Double click on an item to select it


The width of the columns can be adjusted using the mouse. Any changes are preserved between sessions.


The small arrow (glyph) at the top of a column indicates the column that is used to sort the list and whether the sort is in ascending or descending order.


- Click on a column to change the sort


delete selected item


(Delete is not available on some lists).


In some lists an EDIT box is available which allows direct editing of items in the list. For example, to add in a new material or adjust parameters.


use the list view picker to change the view


For example change to a 'large icons' view.



The options are:-


- Details

- List

- Large icons

- Small icons


The operation of selection for common items can be changed via System parameters: Select using pictures


Use the mouse to change the size of the dialog and number of items shown.


Part drawing source


- Use the drawing source picker to change the drawing source (available when selecting parts only).


For example, change to DXF files to see the available DXF drawings



The options are:-


Machining library


DXF files

MPR(X) files


Searching and Filtering the list


For longer lists it can be useful to use the Find option to search for the item or use the filter option to limit the list to a sub-set based on some text.


To search for an item (e.g. a part list):-


 Enter text in Find box


Highlight cursor moves automatically to the first item starting with that text (an incremental style of search)


Selection dialog - search on multiple items


Multiple search items can now be entered into the find field of a selection dialog.


To search for more than one phrase enter the text separated by a comma. e.g. BASE,RIGHT


The instruction is interpreted as BASE AND RIGHT


The search applies to all the fields shown in the selection dialog (e.g. name, description, date, formulae etc...) even when the filter check box is applied.


 Select Ok to confirm the selection


Edit the text to refine or change the search


To Filter the list:-


 Enter text in Find box

Click Filter box


List displays only items starting with the text




Where this box is enabled:-


- Click on the box to review or edit the underlying item


e.g. a material for a list of parts / a formula in a list of formulae / parts in the part library


Even if the list of items is empty, because, for example, the Formula table or the Board library have not yet been created the Edit button can be selected to create an empty library and add an entry to it. In some cases where the library is empty or does not exist the program may report: No entries found but the program still continues.


Edit applies to:-


Material codes

Board codes

Edging codes

Destacking library codes

Saw templates

Nesting templates


Select multiple items


Multiple selection of items is only allowed where this is required, for example, adding parts to a part list.


Use the mouse to select items (with the usual Windows method) or use the Shift and arrow buttons for selection from the keyboard.


Where only one item selection is allowed, for example, adding a material code to a board record multiple selection is not allowed. Most lists show at least two columns. For example, Board selection.




In the part list, part library and review machining only machining drawings are shown in the selection dialog. Links and nesting templates are not shown.


Import parts at the part list


When importing parts at the part list the selection dialog includes an extra option to set the format of the imported part list (the external file)



Use the list box to select the required format.





- Select the List box when a code is already shown in the field and the filter is set to that code. The list box usually keeps track of the item selected and returns to the last selection.


- Edit may not take effect until list is re-displayed


- The last item selected is retained within each section of the program, for example within the Part list, but is lost moving between sections of the program.


- In some cases the list view may show extra columns, for example, when listing variables the default value of the variable is shown in an extra column.


- When the filter check box is applied and the selection type is one of the following, the search only applies to the filename (not the description or date columns):



Product requirements

Import parameters

Part lists

Cutting lists

Board lists

Batch files

Answer tables


- For part lists, cutting lists, board lists the dialog does not allow a sort on the ‘Title’ column. This is because title data is only loaded as the screen scrolls to that item; this makes sure the list displays quickly even with large numbers items.



See also